Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Oh Canada

Apparently I'm Canadian ... that's news to me. Anyways I took a test to see which major leaguer I am, and I match up most with Los Angeles Dodgers catcher Russell Martin. It's a little cheesy, but it's fun so if you have a few minutes to kill, it will be worth it. But don't buy MLB the Show on PSP even if they tell you to...The Lineup Card does not promote product placement (unless WE get paid for it).

Here are some more links that might make your day...

Oh Sergio, maybe you can't win a major because the golf gods are retaliating for this move.

Rick Reilly always tells it like it is, unlike the Chinese government.

Watch out Bob Costas. I know "Mark Phelps" must be thrilled that he got a shout out on this guy's show. "Go USA! Go USA!"

And here's a link that might make you cry...

Gotta applaud the effort, but this one still hurts.

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