Monday, September 15, 2008

The morning after

OK, so it's not really the morning anymore, but it's still the day after week 2 of the NFL season. No doom and gloom from Patriots fans this week (thank God), just some recapping of the action from an exciting NFL Sunday.

Comebacks: Washington over New Orleans, Carolina over Chicago, Buffalo over Jacksonville, Indy over Minny, San Fran over Seattle and Denver over SD. What a crazy weekend? It was easy to park it in front of the TV all day and not lose interest for a second.

Jay Cutler: Man, this guy goes up and down like a pogo stick. One minute he's the next Joe Montana, the next minute he's the next Ryan Leaf. If the Broncos lost on Sunday, the league may have had to seriously investigate him for point shaving. Twice, the Broncos were inside the five in the waning minutes against San Diego. Once, he threw the worst pass I have ever seen for an interception. And the other time he let the ball slip out of his hands on another attempt that should have been ruled a fumble, then it was ruled a fumble, but somehow (thanks crazy NFL rules like the tuck rule) the Broncos got to keep the ball. My head hurts. Then he threw the game-tying touchdown and game-winning two-point conversion. What's with this guy?

Jets: So you finally have a chance to beat the Patriots, without the reigning MVP on the other side, at home, with a QB that hasn't started since Clinton was in office (against 17-year-olds) and you put up 10 points??? That's rough. If they couldn't win Sunday, does anyone really think they can win in Foxborough when Cassel has a few more games under his belt?

Random thoughts: Peyton Manning will pull a Tom Brady (2005) and carry his team to the playoffs on his shoulders. The Panthers are for real (even without Steve Smith). So are the Bills. The Vikings will go nowhere with Tavaris Jackson at the helm. USC would be favored to win the NFC West. San Diego got screwed in Denver, but the Bolts still aren't good enough to win the AFC. My Rams 7-9 pick isn't looking so hot anymore. Cleveland may have been overrated, but don't count them out just yet.

New Pats prediction: 10-6. Call me impulsive, but they can win with Cassel. They probably won't win the Super Bowl, but who is better in the AFC East?


Anonymous said...

You are not thinking about that advantage that Cassel had over Favre in the fact that Cassel has been in the Patriots system for four years. Favre has been in the Jets system for five weeks. I knew there would be a bumpy road in the beginning. The offense is still gelling together. So I think we will put up more than 10 points in two months when we face you guys again. Week 2 doesn't make or break a season for a team.

We left a lot out there on the field yesterday. The missed field goal, not being able to punch it in from the 3, and with the penalties, we were very sloppy. But all these mistakes are correctable and hopefully they do get corrected. It is still very early in the season, though.

I will give credit to Gostkowski. He was the real difference maker in this game. He had a hell of a game kicking the ball. You don't expect teams to go on 75+ yard touchdown drives more than once even if at all during a game. He consistently kept us at our end of the field.

On the other hand, the Pats average starting position was their own 42 yard line. Sure Cassel is going to get better, but you have to expect to score more than one TD when getting that kind of field position.

A win is a win. You outplayed us and outcoached us yesterday, but there is plenty of season left so I am not going to get too down on this loss.

Anonymous said...

Also, I forgot to mention, since when does Matt Cassel play defense because I don't think he had anything to do with us scoring only 10 points. Your defense is still intact.

Anonymous said...

I'm the lone vote for Bills to take the east- I'll probably eat my words though. They do seem to have a good team together... this year is their shot at it if they've ever had one