Sunday, October 19, 2008

The game of games

There really is nothing like a good game seven. The Sox are 2-1 in my adult life with two amazing wins and one miserable loss. It's the peak of an emotional rollercoaster, and it will make or break the way you feel about your team for the next several months.

Let's think back to last year, when Kenny Lofton was rounding third base and was ready to score the tying run. The sky was falling, the end of the world was upon us, the Red Sox had reverted back to chokers.

Flash forward one inning: Lofton was mysteriously held at third base, and the Indians had grounded into an inning-ending double play. One pitch later, Dustin Pedroia took that tiny frame and blasted a back-breaking home run. Suddenly the Sox are the kings of clutch and the class of MLB. 

That's how close game sevens are.

And that's how close it will be tonight. You can talk all you want about momentum, but this Boston team is spent. Papelbon is a big question mark after he's been overused (justifiably) throughout the playoffs. The injuries to Lowell and Drew and Ortiz have got to catch up eventually.

The Rays will win, but it will be that close again. That game-winning catwalk homer is coming, and Chip Carey better rehearse his confused home run call.

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