Saturday, September 20, 2008

NL Rookie of the Year

Winner: Geovany Soto

This one's kind of a no-brainer like the one in the A.L. Soto's numbers make you forget he's a rookie: .285, 23 HRs, 86 RBI. Plus, he's put up those numbers as a catcher, probably the most physically demanding position in baseball. Bonus points go to Soto for being the leader of a pitching staff that has been extremely successful in 2008, and being on the best team in baseball for much of the year. He won't win the MPV, but Soto has a chance to crack the top 10 for his importance on the Cubs.

Runner up: Edison Volquez

At the All Star Break, it looked like Volquez could run away with this award. He had a 2.29 ERA on July 12, but he has fallen off a little since then, slipping to a 3.29 ERA as of Friday night. Still, he's had a phenomenal season on a subpar team, and he is sure to develop into one of the best pitchers in the National League.

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