Wednesday, September 24, 2008

On the bus

Last night the Red Sox celebrated like they won the World Series when Alex Cora caught the final out to clinch a Wild Card playoff spot. Well, maybe it wasn't quite that dramatic, but the argument will always come up about how much you should celebrate being number four (or number two in your division if you prefer).

I would like to quote the immortal Herm Edwards, who has never been one to hide his feelings, about what it's like to get to the playoffs.

"It's like getting on the bus. Some people get on the bus and go to the back. Some people get on the bus and ride in the front. Don't matter, as long as you're on the bus. We're on the bus."

Trust me, Herm was talking about the playoffs, even though it seems like more of a Rosa Parks reference.

But the point is that one of the goals every year is to make the playoffs. You have to get there before you reach all your other team goals of winning championships. And let's not take this playoffs thing for granted over in Titletown. It is extremely hard to survive a 162-game season and make the playoffs. Just look at the Yankees and their $17 billion payroll. They are a limping example of how nothing in this league is guaranteed.

The Red Sox had their trials and tribulations even with their $16.9 billion payroll this year. Mike Lowell, J.D. Drew and David Ortiz missed more than 40 games each. Curt Schilling was knocked out before spring training started. Dice-K missed a month and Josh Beckett missed time as well. The fact that they were even in the hunt is an accomplishment with all those issues, and they somehow made it to the playoffs. It doesn't matter if you're the 1 seed or the 4 seed, just as long as you get on the bus.

The Red Sox didn't finish the 2008 season in the playoffs as much as they survived the 2008 season. And that's all you have to do in this league. They're on the bus. Now let's hope they can drive it to the top.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember that quote, referring to 2004 when the Jets lost the last 2 games of the season when they just needed to win 1 game to make the playoffs. They needed the Steelers backups to beat the Bills. Steelers won, Jets lost in OT to the Rams as they "backed" into the playoffs. The Jets went onto win in San Diego in overtime, then should've made the championship game if it wasn't for the man with the initials of Doug Brien. Didn't make it far, but just goes to show you once you make it to the playoffs, anything can happen.

Another great example is the 2006 St. Louis Cardinals. Went 83-79 that year and went on to win the World Series.