Sunday, September 7, 2008

Worst case scenario

Well, it seems like it finally happened. We all knew Brady would get hurt some day, and today appears to be that day. Let me tell you, Patriots fans, all is far from well.

I listened to the yahoos on WEEI after the game telling everyone how the Pats will be fine without Brady. They ranted about how well Matt Cassel did against that proud Kansas City Chiefs defense (13-18, 152 yards, 1 TD). 

Truth be told, Matt Cassel did just fine today. He did what Patriots fans hoped he would do: manage the game and not make mistakes. He did everything he needed to do to win the game.

But before we all get too excited, let's remember, this was the Kansas City home...without THEIR starting quarterback down the stretch. And the Chiefs came THIS CLOSE to tying it at the end.

Without Brady, the Patriots have a fourth-year rookie leading the charge. Teams will stack eight in the box to shut down a running game that has been less than perfect the past two seasons. Cassel will have to make some plays for the Patriots to go anywhere, and I don't have the confidence he will do that.

This could be a long season for the Patriots, so let's hope the MRI on Monday isn't as bad as we all fear.

1 comment:

KJ said...

this is why i was asking about matt gutierrez... bet that's one the pats wish they could have back.