Thursday, September 4, 2008

Super Bowl Pick

Did you think I left this part out? I wouldn't miss it for the world.

So to recap, I picked the Patriots to win the AFC with the Panthers taking the senior circuit (NFC). Both these teams depend on their quarterbacks staying healthy in 2008, so it's possible each could finish with horrible records if Brady or Delhomme go down for extended periods of time.

And I know I've said a few critical things of the Patriots this preseason (God forbid I say anything bad about them), but I'm going with New England to win it all.

Why? Because everyone's talking about how they're going to slip. Everyone's talking about how they choked away the Super Bowl. For the first time in year's the Pats have a legitimate reason to have a chip on their shoulder. They've been putting a fake one up there since 2004, but it hasn't really fit well.

Now they can play the "nobody believed in us" card, and kind of mean it. And I know Brady, Bruschi, Vrabel and all the other long-time Pats love to play that role again. As soon as you doubt these guys, they show you just how good they are.

The pick: Patriots def. Panthers in rematch of Super Bowl XXXVIII - 24-17

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think the Pats will make the Super Bowl. I see where you are coming from with the "chip on the shoulder" thing, but in the end, what lost them the Super Bowl last year will cost them this year, and that is their defense. Your offensive line took a beating in the Super Bowl, but when it came down to it, the offense did what it had to do and the defense couldn't hold up their end of the bargain. They are a year older and have been getting slower.

My prediction: Cowboys over Colts, 31-24.